This afternoon in broad daylight, thanks to Carl Zeiss (binocular maker), I had the best view yet of the Little owl on Streatham Common, after a big absence, at least as far as my spotting goes (though my friend Andrew did say he'd seen the owl recently, in his usual spot). I've been looking regularly but not seeing him, but this afternoon every detail was crystal clear. The owl looked right at me, about ten feet away, then twisted his head to the left and nodded off, he was roosting in the gap between two ivy covered trees, he was only about four or five feet off the ground, but protected by bramble bushes; he didn't seem bothered by the traffic noise or the raucous fun-fair sounds near by. I am so glad he is still here, looking so round, soft and healthy, what a great day for bird watching! Especially the raptors. I also saw a female black cap (mother red cap?) in the woods higher up on Streatham common earlier, as well as a great spotted woodpecker, green finch, chaffinch and chiffchaffs, but the Little Owl is such a thrill for me to see, largely spotted because I've been scanning trees systematically, determined to find where he roosts - heartening to know patience pays off. My telephone pictures are terrible, one day I'll get a real camera, but I still think you can see an owl shape in the gap between the trees. I'm assuming he's a he, but have no evidence, he might be a she...he/she is perfect, a beautiful, dazzling bird, a gem, I don't know why I'm so mad about them, perhaps it's their miniature, perfectly scaled down owlishness, they are archetypes of mystery, wisdom, secretiveness, sleepy hunting marvels, they stare straight at me seeing all, but indifferent to it....
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