Sunday, 16 August 2015

Peregrines over Canary Wharf

I think this was a peregrine pair yesterday , I saw them several times - flying around the top of the Canary Wharf sky scraper. The falcon is to the left of the tower. When you zoom in it looks like the mate is flying close by.

Friday, 7 August 2015

peregrine falcon - Tate Modern chimney

A lonely peregrine  up on the Tate Modern chimney this afternoon ....not a great picture but Through the RSPB scope I could clearly see she /he moving his mouth as if angrily screaming , or so it seemed to me . The RSPB man told me they think there are 25 of them in London, he also said he'd seen Honey Buzzards while doing his stint at the Tate Modern. I was thrilled to see this Peregrine - imperious and apparently in a white hot rage above the city.

A peregrine falcon high on the Tate Modern chimney this afternoon, moving his/her mouth as if screaming, an erupting rage of yellow eyes.

A documentary about these birds claimed to measure a peregrine in a hunting stoop (dive) at 242 mph- it's the fastet animal on the planet. The RSPB man said they couldn't tell its gender, like sparrowhawks the female is bigger - this is called sexual dimorphism.